Rugs America Auden AD50E Rug

$269.00 - $469.00
Abstract and dynamic—this daring design features splatters of graphic onyx black and silvery white for a striking piece to incorporate into your living space. The stark contrast of shades in this classic color combination always evokes a tantalizing chicness. The modern look will quickly revamp the styling of your décor, and upon walking into the room, the impressive visuals will not go unnoticed. [show more]
Usually ships within 1-2 Weeks
  • 5'3" x 7'0"
  • 8'0" x 10'0"
- +

Abstract and dynamic—this daring design features splatters of graphic onyx black and silvery white for a striking piece to incorporate into your living space. The stark contrast of shades in this classic color combination always evokes a tantalizing chicness. The modern look will quickly revamp the styling of your décor, and upon walking into the room, the impressive visuals will not go unnoticed.

Rugs America
100% Polypropylene
Thin (up to 1/4 inch)

Rugs America has become one of the nation’s leading operators of Decorator Rug Concessions. With the resources from all points of the globe, we are able to supply the most diversified rug program in the market place.

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